Chinese Powerstar x86 CPUs Were Made In Partnership With Intel, Use Custom Design 1

Powerleader, the Chinese chipmaker behind the x86 Powerstar CPUs has confirmed that the chips are designed in partnership with Intel.

Intel & PowerLeader Worked Together To Offer Custom x86 Powerstar CPUs For The Chinese Domestic Market

Last month, Powerleader unveiled its x86 Powerstar CPUs which looked very familiar. It was easy to find the similarities between the Powerstar and Intel Core CPUs and a more recent Geekbench CPU listing confirmed that the chip was indeed a rebadged Intel CPU based on the 10th Gen Comet Lake architecture.

Following this controversial reveal, Powerleader has now published an official statement in which the company states that the new CPUs were designed in partnership with Intel and utilize a slightly custom design. The company doesn't go into a lot of detail as to what these custom changes are but it could be related to software and firmware-level support to make them appear as Powerstar chips instead of the Intel Core CPUs that they really are. Powerleader had the following main points to make:

  • Powerleader's first CPU is a customized CPU product launched with the support of Intel Corporation.
  • Powerstar CPUs are mainly used by branded PC terminals in the commercial market.
  • Powerstar CPU has not declared any projects and subsidies to relevant government departments.
Intel(R) JPEG Library, version 1,5,4,36

The company released the statement after several websites had pointed out that Powerstar utilizing Intel core technology and rebranding it as their own would fall under infringement.

But Powerleader wasn't very transparent about this at launch as the company didn't mention Intel at all during its Powerstar x86 CPU reveal so blaming the media for this is kind of absurd since the vendor itself wasn't clear about the chip since the beginning. Powerstar x86 CPUs are designed for the domestic market and will be featured in PCs, workstations, and other applications but won't see DIY availability. You can read more on that here.

Written by Hassan Mujtaba

from Wccftech